How do you design a packaging item? Let’s explain it through the case study of Aroma Company, a Piedmont coffee distribution business.
We begin by outlining the function of the product packaging (beyond being a container). First, it is an important marketing tool because well-designed packaging items catch the attention of potential buyers; secondarily, it provides all product information, such as composition, expiry date (for food and cosmetics), storage method, origin, indications for separate waste collection, etc.
In this case, we worked out the packaging project based on two stepping stones: the company logo and the template of the plastic/aluminium roll where to print the graphics designed by us.
We took red and brown from their logo. They are warm colours giving a sense of comfort when associated to drinking coffee. Then, we selected a font suitable for the product (and what it represents) and images suggestive of the packet content.
After gathering ideas and elements, the creative process, which is the Graphic Designer’s favourite part, gets going!
In this case, dimensions, cutting and plying signs were supplied directly by the printer (which not always happens; if not, we should also plan these indicators). Our task was to combine all graphic and text elements in a functional manner and study what should be put in close-up, what behind or on side. Therefore, we made a 3D model of the packet to clarify and develop our ideas!
In consideration of Aroma Company’s export activities, we had some of the text contents translated into various languages, including Arab and Japanese.
We proposed three solutions to our customer and held a presentation meeting where to select the most suitable one. But this is not all! We further refined the details and improved some points in accordance with what was discussed during the meeting. In this phase, we may even dig out elements from the discarded versions and in a few drafts we attain the final product ready for printing, as it happened in this case study.
Designing packaging is a very motivating and occasionally twisty task. It stimulates the creative mechanism because you work on a two-dimensional area that will become 3D in production!
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