Customer: Gruppo Editoriale La Scuola Author/s: Sergio Dellavecchia • Gian Marco Dellavecchia Year: 2024 Title: TECNOLOGIE E TECNICHE DI RAPPRESENTAZIONE GRAFICA Shortly… The course of Graphic Representation Technology and Techniques for building projects is one of the GRTT textbook series to be used in technical high schools for building, territory,...

Customer: S. Lattes & C. Editori Year: 2024 Title: Infinito tecnologico • Settori produttivi Shortly… Preparing the artwork for a multisector textbook is an intricate process based on cooperation. It requires artistic skills, deep knowledge of contents, and restless dedication to guarantee high quality and effectiveness of the figures....

Customer: S. Lattes & C. Editori Year: 2024 Title: Gramma • A1 – A2 – B – C Shortly… This is a complete grammar book that explores a broad range of topics: from phonology to orthography, from lexicon to syntax, and up to communication and writing. It is a...

Customer: Lœscher Year: 2024 Title: DIRITTO ED ECONOMIA • ATTIVI INSIEME Shortly… Attivi insieme, Princìpi di diritto ed economia nella vita di tutti i giorni, is a complete law and economics course meant for the first two years of high school; it is an easy and inclusive course, operational and...