Customer: Gruppo Editoriale La Scuola Author/s: Sergio Dellavecchia • Gian Marco Dellavecchia Year: 2024 Title: TECNOLOGIE E TECNICHE DI RAPPRESENTAZIONE GRAFICA Shortly… The course of Graphic Representation Technology and Techniques for building projects is one of the GRTT textbook series to be used in technical high schools for building, territory,...

Customer: S. Lattes & C. Editori Year: 2024 Title: Infinito tecnologico • Settori produttivi Shortly… Preparing the artwork for a multisector textbook is an intricate process based on cooperation. It requires artistic skills, deep knowledge of contents, and restless dedication to guarantee high quality and effectiveness of the figures....

Customer: S. Lattes & C. Editori Year: 2024 Title: Gramma • A1 – A2 – B – C Shortly… This is a complete grammar book that explores a broad range of topics: from phonology to orthography, from lexicon to syntax, and up to communication and writing. It is a...

Customer: Lœscher Year: 2024 Title: DIRITTO ED ECONOMIA • ATTIVI INSIEME Shortly… Attivi insieme, Princìpi di diritto ed economia nella vita di tutti i giorni, is a complete law and economics course meant for the first two years of high school; it is an easy and inclusive course, operational and...

Customer: Lœscher Editore Year: 2024 Title: GRATA HORA • IL LATINO NEL TEMPO • GRAMMATICA Shortly… This book illustrates Latin grammar and its peculiarities clearly and exhaustively, thereby allowing to accurately study the subject matter. Its standard and multimedia contents support integrated digital didactics, with aids for self-study, notion consolidation,...

Customer: Lœscher Editore Author/s: Remo Ceserani • Lidia De Federicis • Lidia Polacco Year: 2023 Title: IL MATERIALE E L’IMMAGINARIO NUOVO Shortly… We are proud to have contributed, at layout level, to the making of the first edition of this revolutionary work, in the years 1979 to 1993, for a...

Customer: Sanoma Italia Author/s: Giovanni Casavecchia Year: 2023 Title: CHIMICA DA PROTAGONISTI Shortly… This chemistry textbook comes with a light and neatly arranged graphic presentation in view of providing the student with an exact learning order. It is enriched with materials from the 2030 Agenda, such as online maps and...

Customer: Sanoma Italia Author/s: Delpiano • Giusiano • Goldshmidt Year: 2023 Title: FUTURA Corso di tecnologia & GUIDA PER L’INSEGNANTE Shortly… This technology textbook for the secondary school comes with a captivating and easily readable graphic presentation, purposely designed to keep the students’ attention high. Even though contents collection and...

Customer: S. Lattes & C. Editori Author/s: Daniele Gouthier • Paolo Dall’Aglio • Salvatore Quattrocchi • Carla Morassutti Year: 2023 Title: SCOPRI DI + STRUMENTI PER IL DOCENTE Shortly… Page layout and great attention to clear correct composition of mathematical formulas are at the core of this textbook, together with...

Customer: Lœscher Editore Author/s: Fabio Cioffi • Alberto Cristofori Year: 2022 Title: CITTÀ, CIVILTÀ, CITTADINANZA Shortly… A course of ancient and medieval history characterised by strong interaction with citizenship education. A complex project for the amount of graphic elements that supplement the main text, and a challenge at layout level that...